Spring cleaning can seem daunting and tedious for some of us, but it doesn’t have to be. The first step is to find and set aside the time then get in the zone! This can be anything from cranking up the music to lighting a candle or bribing yourself with a treat.
Spring cleaning is the perfect opportunity to get rid of the stuff your family doesn’t need anymore. Everyone benefits from rooms and spaces that can breathe, so start filling trash bags with items you no longer want or need and take down to your local donation center. You’ll feel better before you even start! Then make a physical list of everything you want to deep clean and start checking things off. Some may not know where to begin, so here’s a list by Joanna Gaines to help you get you started.
Whole House:
Family Room:
Bedroom & Closets:
Now don’t forget to reward yourself when you finish! Whether with a cookie, relaxing, or enjoying the outdoors, go ahead and treat yourself. You have done a good thing and your whole family will benefit from this for the rest of the year!